Cleopatra Coin
A coin struck to commemorate Octavian's victory at the Battle of Actium over the forces of Marc Antony and Cleopatra, the reverse probably depicts the triumphal arch erected in the Forum in Ro. Cleopatra on a coin of 40 drachms from 51–30 BC, minted at Alexandria; on the obverse is a portrait of Cleopatra wearing a diadem, and on the reverse an inscription reading 'ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ' with an eagle standing on a thunderbolt.
- Cleopatra VII - The 'Queen of the Nile' Historical Context: This coin was minted by the Ptolemaic Empire in Egypt around 40 BC. The obverse (front) of this coin is CLEOPATRA VII. Cleopatra VII was the famous 'Queen of the Nile' and lover of Julius Caesar and Marc Antony.
- Cleopatra VII (51-30 BC) - AE Diobol / 80 Drachmai (Alexandria, 21.60 g) - Diademed and draped bust of Cleopatra VII to right / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, cornucopia to left and Π (mark of value) to right (Svoronos 1871 / SNG Copenhagen 419–21) - F/VF, some corrosion on reverse but still a good portrait, a rare coin Starting Price.
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Previous - Old Egyptian coins (before 1953)
Republic of Egypt (1953-1958)
Egyptian Pound=100 piastres; Piaster=10 milliemes
50 piastres 1956
commemorative coin
Evacuation of the British troops
50 1956-1375 / Denomination above wings
1956 / Ancient Egyptian figure with torch and broken chains
Coin value - $30-35
25 piastres 1956
commemorative coin
Suez Canal Nationalization
25 1956-1375 / Denomination above wings
26 / Headquarter building in Port Said
Coin value - $20-25
25 piastres 1957
commemorative coin
National Assembly Inauguration
25 1957-1376 / Denomination above wings
22 / Radiant sun behind building
Coin value - $20-25
20 piastres 1956
20 / Denomination within wings
1956-1375 / Sphinx
Coin value - $30-40
10 piastres 1955
silver 0.625
10 / Denomination within wings
1955-1374 / Sphinx
Coin value - $10-15
10 piastres 1957 (1956-1957)
silver 0.720
10 / Denomination within wings
1957-1376 / Sphinx
Coin value - $7-10
5 piastres 1957 (1956-1957)
5 / Denomination within wings
1957-1376 / Sphinx
Coin value - $6-8
10 milliemes 1955 (1954-1955)
10 / 1955 / 1374
Small sphinx
Coin value - $2-3
10 milliemes 1958 (1955-1958)
10 / 1958 / 1377
Large sphinx
Coin value - ~$1
5 milliemes 1954 (1954-1956)
5 / 1958 / 1374
Small sphinx
Coin value - $2-3
5 milliemes 1958 (1957-1958)
5 / 1958 / 1377
Large sphinx
Coin value - ~$1
1 millieme 1956 (1954-1957)
1 / 1956 / 1375
Small sphinx
Coin value - $4-6
1 millieme 1957 (1956-1958)
1 / 1957 / 1376
Large sphinx
Coin value - $5-7
United Arab Republic (1958-1971)
Egyptian Pound=100 piastres; Piaster=10 milliemes
1 pound 1968
commemorative coin
Commissioning of Power station for Aswan Dam

Power station for Aswan Dam, grain sprigs flank
Coin value - $20-25
1 pound 1970
commemorative coin
1000th Anniversary - Al Azhar Mosque
1970 1972 / 1359 1961
Al Azhar Mosque
Coin value - $20-25
1 pound 1970
commemorative coin
Death of President Gamal Abdel Nasser
1970 / 1390
Head of President Nasser right
Coin value - $20-25
50 piastres 1964
commemorative coin
Diversion of the Nile
50 / 1964 1384
1964 15 / Sadd el-Ali Dam (Aswan Dam), Nile River basin scene
Coin value - $20-25
50 piastres 1970
commemorative coin
Death of President Gamal Abdel Nasser
50 / 1970 / 1390
Head of President Nasser right
Coin value - $10-12
25 piastres 1960
commemorative coin
3rd Year of National Assembly
25 1960-1380 / Denomination above wings
Radiant sun behind building, hand on book in front
Coin value - $20-25
25 piastres 1964
commemorative coin
Diversion of the Nile
25 / 1964 1384
1964 15 / Sadd el-Ali Dam (Aswan Dam), Nile River basin scene
Coin value - $15-20
25 piastres 1970
commemorative coin
Death of President Gamal Abdel Nasser
25 / 1970 / 1390
Head of President Nasser right
Coin value - $8-10
20 piastres 1960 (1960, 1966)
circulation coin
20 / 1960 / 1380
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - $30-35
10 piastres 1960 (1960, 1966)
circulation coin
10 / 1960 / 1380
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - $15-17
10 piastres 1967
circulation coin
10 / 1967 / 1387
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - <$1
10 piastres 1959
commemorative coin
First Anniversary of U.A.R. Founding
10 / 1378 / 1959
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - $30-35
10 piastres 1964
commemorative coin
Diversion of the Nile
10 / 1964 1384
1964 15 / Sadd el-Ali Dam (Aswan Dam), Nile River basin scene
Coin value - $10-15
10 piastres 1969
commemorative coin
Cairo International Agricultural Fair
10 / 1969 / 1389
CAIRO / Grain sprig above globe and name
Coin value - $5-7
10 piastres 1970
commemorative coin
10 / 1970/9/9 / 1952 9 9
F.A.O. / People with oxen, eagle above, logo below
Coin value - $2-3
10 piastres 1970
commemorative coin
Cairo International Industrial Fair
1390 1970 / Ship within cogwheel, dates in box below
Coin value - $3-4
10 piastres 1970
commemorative coin
50th Anniversary of Bank Misr
10 / 1970-1400
Sun above building
Coin value - $2-3
5 piastres 1960 (1960, 1966)
circulation coin
5 / 1960 / 1380
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - $10-15
5 piastres 1967
circulation coin
5 / 1967 / 1387
Coin value - <$1
5 piastres 1964
commemorative coin
Diversion of the Nile
5 / 1964 1384
1964 15 / Sadd el-Ali Dam (Aswan Dam), Nile River basin scene
Coin value - $7-10
5 piastres 1968
commemorative coin
International Industrial Fair
1968 1388 / Globe with cogwheel section around
Coin value - $2-4
5 piastres 1969
commemorative coin
50th Anniversary of International Labor Organization
1389 1969 / Hands holding open-ended wrenches within wreath
Coin value - $2-4
20 milliemes 1958
commemorative coin
Agricultural and Industrial fair in Cairo
20 / 1988 1378
Symbols of agriculture and industry
Coin value - ~$1
10 milliemes 1960 (1958, 1960, 1966)
10 / 1960 1380
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - <$1
10 milliemes 1967
10 / 1967 1386
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - <$1
5 milliemes 1960 (1960, 1966)
5 / 1960 1380
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - <$1
5 milliemes 1967
5 / 1967 1386
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - <$1
2 milliemes 1962 (1962, 1966)
5 / 1962 1381
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - $1-2
1 millieme 1960 (1962, 1966)
1 / 1960 1380
Eagle, shield with 2 stars on breast
Coin value - $1-2
Arabian Republic of Egypt (from 1971) - circulation coinage
Egyptian Pound=100 piastres; Piaster=10 milliemes
1 pound 2005 (2005-2006)
bi-metallic - brass/copper-nickel
1 / 2005 ONE POUND 1426
King Tutankhamen's gold mask
Coin value - <$1
1 pound 2010 (2007-2010)
bi-metallic - brass/copper-nickel plated steel
1 / 2010 ONE POUND 1431
King Tutankhamen's gold mask
Coin value - <$1
50 piastres 2005 (2005-2006)
50 / 50 PIASTRES
2005 1425 / Bust of Cleopatra left
Coin value - ~$1
50 piastres 2010 (2007-2012)
brass plated steel
50 / 50 PIASTRES
2010 1430 / Bust of Cleopatra left
Coin value - <$1
25 piastres 1993
25 / 25 PT. / Chain surrounds center hole
1993 1413 / Chain surrounds center hole
Coin value - <$1
25 piastres 2008 (2008-2012)
25 / 25 PT.
25 / 2008 1439
Coin value - <$1
20 piastres 1980
20 / 1980 1400
Eagle, shield without stars on breast
Coin value - $2-3
20 piastres 1984
20 / 1984 1404
Mohammad Ali Mosque
Coin value - $1-2
20 piastres 1992
20 / 1992 1412
Mohammad Ali Mosque
Coin value - <$1
10 piastres 1972

Eagle, shield without stars on breast
Coin value - <$1
10 piastres 1984
10 / 1984 1404
Mohammad Ali Mosque
Coin value - <$1
10 piastres 1992
10 / 1992 1413
Mohammad Ali Mosque
Coin value - <$1
10 piastres 2008
nickel plated steel
10 / 2008 1429
Mohammad Ali Mosque
Coin value - <$1
5 piastres 1972
5 / 1972 1392
Eagle, shield without stars on breast
Coin value - ~$1
5 piastres 1984
5 / 1984-1404 / tughra
Coin value - <$1
5 piastres 1984
Christian date left
5 / 1984 1404 / tughra
Coin value - <$1
5 piastres 1984
Islamic date left
5 / 1404 1984 / tughra
Coin value - <$1
5 piastres 1992
5 / 1992 1412
Antique pottery vase
Coin value - <$1
5 piastres 2004
5 / 2004 1425
Antique pottery vase
Coin value - <$1
5 piastres 2008
bronze plated steel
5 / 2008 1429
Antique pottery vase
Coin value - <$1
2 piastres 1980
2 / 1980 1400
Eagle, shield without stars on breast
Coin value - <$1
2 piastres 1984
Christian date left
2 / 1984 1404 / tughra
Coin value - $2-4
2 piastres 1984
Islamic date left
2 / 1404 1984 / tughra
Coin value - $5-10
1 piaster 1984
Christian date left
1 / 1984 1404 / tughra
Coin value - <$1
1 piaster 1984
Islamic date left
1 / 1404 1984 / tughra
Coin value - <$1
10 milliemes 1972
Cleopatra Coin
10 / 1972 1392
Eagle, shield without stars on breast
Coin value - $1-3
10 milliemes 1973

10 / 1973 1393
Eagle, shield without stars on breast
Coin value - <$1
5 milliemes 1972

5 / 1972 1392
Eagle, shield without stars on breast
Coin value - $50-60
5 milliemes 1973
5 / 1973 1393
Eagle, shield without stars on breast
Coin value - <$1
1 millieme 1972
Cleopatra Coin Image
1 / 1972 1392Eagle, shield without stars on breast
Coin value - <$1
See also - Egyptian modern commemorative coins
The Coinage of Julius Caesar
- The Civil Wars
Cleopatra Coinage
RRC 543/1 © CNG 2006
Obverse: Head of M. Antonius right; behind, Armenian tiara; around ANTONI·ARMENIA·DEVICTA. Border of dots.
Reverse: Bust of Cleopatra right, draped and wearing diadem; before, prow; around CLEOPATRAE·REGINAE·REGVM·FILIORUM·REGVM. Border of dots.
RPC 2201
Obverse: Head of M. Antonius wearing an ivy wreath right; below, lituus; around, M·ANTONIVS·IMP·COS·DESIG·ITER·ET·TERT. Border of ivy wreath and flowers.
Reverse: Draped bust of Octavia right; above cista flanked by twisting snakes; to left, III·VIR downwards; to right, ·R·P·C upwards.
RPC 1245 © LHS 2006
Obverse: Diademed bust right; around, BACIΛICCA KΛEOΠATPA.
Reverse: Headdress of Isis; around, AΓIAC ΛYCΩNOC ΠATPEΩN.
RPC 4530 © CNG 2007
Obverse: Diademed bust right.
Reverse: Baal of Berytus in quadriga of Hippocamps; to left BH; to right LC LAK.
Plutarch (Antony 27.2) comments that Cleopatra was not overly beautiful, but that the charm of her presence was irresistible and this, combined with her peculiar force of character, made everyone associated with her fall under her spell.
'For her beauty, as we are told, was in itself not altogether incomparable, nor such as to strike those who saw her; but converse with her had an irresistible charm, and her presence, combined with the persuasiveness of her discourse and the character which was somehow diffused about her behaviour towards others, had something stimulating about it.' (trans. B. Perrin)
Nusmismatic evidence bears out Plutarch's testimony. On coins Cleopatra is portrayed in a realistic manner with a large, decisive aquiline nose and prominent forehead. The coins of Cleopatra also document her aspirations and the history of her reign (51-30 BC).
Cleopatra, the third daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes, was born in 69 BC. After he father died in 51 BC, she and her younger brother (Ptolemy XIII) became joint monarchs. During the civil war between Caesar and the Roman Senate (49BC) Cleopatra allied herself with Caesar, famously rolling herself up in a carpet. Caesar made Cleopatra Queen of Egypt in 48 BC. Cleopatra minted coins at Alexandria with her portrait on them (as any ruler had the right to do).
In 41 BC, after Caesar's death, Antony summoned Cleopatra to question her about her loyalty. She and Antony also began an affair that resulted in three children. After Antony's conquest of Armenia in 34 BC the relationship materialised on coinage. Coins (RRC 543/1, 545/1-2) were struck proclaiming Antony's victory, and the relationship between him and Cleopatra. Unlike Caesar, Antony publicly proclaimed his relationship with the Egyptian queen. His portrait appears on one side of the coin, Cleopatra's on the other. (RRC 543/1)
Antony had previously released coinage displaying his head on one side and Octavia's on the other. (RRC 527/1). The marriage between Antony and Octavia had been celebrated and advertised as a symbol of the unity between the triumvirs. Cistophori struck in Asia marked the union between the couple (RPC 2201). By placing Cleopatra on his coins instead of Octavia, Antony visibly distanced himself from Octavia and her brother Octavian. As with the earlier coins of Antony/Octavia, a double portrait is used. However, unlike Octavia and other Roman women, Cleopatra is named and her titles given. This suggests that she appears as a ruler in her own right (Buttrey 1954).
Cleopatra's image also appears on coins of Patras (RPC 1245), a port where Antony wintered before the battle of Actium (32/1 BC). The coin displays the bust of Cleopatra on the obverse, with the crown of Isis on the reverse. Her numismatic presence is a testament to Cleopatra's central role in this period.
Cleopatra Coin Picture
Plutarch (Antony 36) records that Antony showered Cleopatra with gifts of territory including Pheonicia, Coele Syria, Cyprus, a large part of Cilicia, part of Judea and the coastal strip of Arabia Nabatea. Recognising their new queen, these cities struck coins with Cleopatra's image. Examples include Orthosia (RPC 1 4501-2), Tripolis (RPC 1 4510), Berytus (RPC 1 4529-30), and Chalcis (RPC 1 4771) among others. Damascus also struck coins with Cleopatra's image (RPC 1 4781, 4783). Though no literary sources state that this city was within her control, the fact that coins were struck with her portrait suggests that Damascus was given to her by Antony along with other territories.