Lions Club Bingo
We play Bingo every Thursday night Come and Join Us! If you are looking to play Bingo in New Braunfels or Bingo in Seguin, why not drive just a few minutes to McQueeney and enjoy a great night of Bingo at the McQueeney Lions Club Community Hall?! We play weekly, so come on out! – Bingo is played every Thursday, the doors open at 6:00pm.

Come and Join Us! If you are looking to play Bingo in New Braunfels or Bingo in Seguin, why not drive just a few minutes to McQueeney and enjoy a great night of Bingo at the McQueeney Lions Club Community Hall?! We play weekly, so come on out! – Bingo is played every Thursday, the doors open at 6:00pm. Phone with a bingo with number displayed only use this number when you have a bingo during the game or to set your phones prior to. If your having a problem with the internet let us know before the first game as this line is used when a player has a bingo. Lions Club Bingo! Lions Club Bingo located in Bel Alton MD. GIVEAWAYS; Home; Map; Photos; Program; Navigation; Program All Paper Game FRIDAY GAMES ARE 50 DOLLARS FOR REGULAR GAMES/100 FOR SPECIALS 300 DOLLAR COVERALL SUNDAY GAMES ARE. Come and Join Us! If you are looking to play Bingo in New Braunfels or Bingo in Seguin, why not drive just a few minutes to McQueeney and enjoy a great night of Bingo at the McQueeney Lions Club Community Hall?! We play weekly, so come on out! – Bingo is played every Thursday, the doors open at 6:00pm.
Bingo is back!!!
We are open for Bingo, and look forward to seeing you again. The appropriate measures will be in place to protect our players and our volunteers. First and foremost, if you feel sick, we hope you will stay home and get well soon.
– Hand sanitizer stations will be available in several convenient locations. Bingo patrons and volunteers must sanitize their hands on entering the hall.
– Social distancing will be enforced. Some tables will be closed to provide more separation between patrons, and we may have to limit the number of players at each table, with the exception of families playing together.
– Plexiglas screens will protect kitchen and ticket handlers. All of our volunteer workers will wear face coverings.
– We will ask that you please consider wearing a cloth face covering over the mouth and nose (except when eating), and keeping your distance (at least 6 feet) from others who are not members of your immediate family.
– The kitchen will be open with our full menu.
We play Bingo every Thursday night … Come and Join Us!
Lions Club Bingo Wildwood Fl

If you are looking to play Bingo in New Braunfels or Bingo in Seguin, why not drive just a few minutes to McQueeney and enjoy a great night of Bingo at the McQueeney Lions Club Community Hall?! We play weekly, so come on out!
– Bingo is played every Thursday, the doors open at 6:00pm.

– Event games and pull-tabs start selling at 6:00pm.
– Bingo books are $7.00 for a full 8 games and $4.00 for 1/2 time books
– Bingo books start selling at 6:30pm.
Tuesday Night Bingo Near Me
– Bingo play begins at 7:30pm with over $2,500.00 in cash prizes awarded.